Thursday, May 16, 2019

Deep Clean Your Home and the Top 3 Places where Dangerous Germs Hide

We all know how our homes can get really dirty, and that is why we clean it as much as we can. But sometimes, we tend to forget that harmful bacteria can still live with us even if we clean our homes every day. After all, they are not as easily killed as we would like to think. Which brings us to the realization that we need to regularly deep clean our residences with the best and most effective cleaning products and methods.

Or, better yet, just call the experts in cleaning, like the people at I Hate Cleaning, to tidy up our homes and get rid of the dangerous germs hiding somewhere that may cause serious illnesses.

But what are these germs and where do they usually grow?

Top 3 Places Where Germs Thrive

Bacteria and the likes are nasty and can be quite stubborn. Your usual household cleaner will not really work on them. And everyday cleaning will not inhibit their growth.

This is why you need to understand how important deep cleaning is. Even business establishments and offices hire commercial cleaning services so their buildings can be free of dangerous microorganisms and keep everyone around safe from diseases.

Now, in our homes, what dangerous germs should we be aware of?

Here are the top 3 places where harmful bacteria live:

1.     Kitchen. Kitchens need to be clean since it is where food is prepared. But this place is actually home to Salmonella (in chopping boards) and Campylobacter (in sponges). And these microorganisms can cause serious diseases like food poisoning and Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
2.     Bathroom. E. coli and the Strep bacteria usually thrive in warm and damp places, making the bathroom quite ideal for their growth. And they are quite dangerous since they can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, scarlet fever and impetigo.
3.     Bedroom. S. aureus is actually very common and can be found anywhere in your bedroom, especially on your mobile phones. But as common as they are, they can cause infections, which can be fatal when you have an open wound they can enter through.
Germs can really be scary. But deep cleaning your home can destroy them and make it safe for people to live in.

And when you get the services of experts from I Hate Cleaning, you won’t have to worry about being sick from the above microbes. They even offer carpet cleaning services using non-toxic products and natural cleaning processes.

So, make sure you regularly deep clean your home and workplace in order to prevent dangerous situations and keep your environment more comfortable to stay in. And if you hate cleaning these places on your own, iHate Cleaning will help you out. Check out their services now!

Tags: carpet cleaning services, commercial cleaning services, deep clean

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